Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Check In - 2016

Well this was a initial flop... my January edition was scheduled to post Feb 1 and it didn't work, thus I posted it in march for posterity sake. But this will work!

March 2016 Check In


March was a busy time in the house, with sick kiddos, Wedding, Easter, and ended with Spring Break.  

We luckily all survived Day Light Savings time.  But I will have to say it is not a fun time with two kids under 2.  I saw a post that said, why does Day Light Savings Time happen in the middle of the night?  Why can't it happen at 4pm on a Friday?  I would have to agree with that! We also attended a friends wedding, and the kids (Abigail) had fun 'dancing'.  

This it being March our family once again started our March Madness tradition (Can you call it a tradition when it is the second year of doing it?).  All four of us picked our bracket out of a bucket. Winner gets to pick dinner.  At this moment with the tournament not finished yet, Travis and I are both out and Abigail has Syracuse wining it, but right now Theodore is in the lead... #WereHavingMilkForDinner... Just a fun little tradition that we have each year.  But it takes some time for two kiddos to pick names out of a bucket.

Travis and I attended a Trivia Night at his family's parish.  We didn't come in last place (Actually I think we tied for 3rd) out of 20 or so teams!  I really enjoy trivia nights.  I am not going to say that I am any good, but it is fun!


We kicked off the month on a fun note (not) with Abigail having an eye infection.  On the fun side that meant that I got to stay home with the kiddos for a day and work from home! 

March was crazy warm, so warm that we were even able to go outside to play once I got home from work.  Abigail LOVES playing outside!  This summer is going to be fun.  With Travis being at home on Summer break he is going to have trouble getting her to come inside!

Easter was fun this year.  A family tradition with my family is that we split into a front yard and back yard team and everyone hides eggs and then we switch.  Abigail had fun helping me hide the eggs.  Love seeing her explore!


At the end of March, Theodore turned 5 months!  Where is my baby going?  He is rolling, and rotating. Every time that we get him up from his crib, he is never in the spot where we left him, sometimes on the completely opposite end!  

We are still nursing, while pumping at work isn't glamorous, it is great for him!  He isn't gaining weight like he was, so he will be going in to have him little tummy looked at.  I am hoping that all is alright.  Doctor says that he is strong and happy, who can resist that smile?

On Good Friday Theodore and I went with two of my sisters to Ohio to visit my Grandpa, it was so sweet to see Grandpa interact with little Theodore.  Grandpa picked up Theodore in his big hands, and just smiled and played with him.  Special moments that I will never forget!


I did 'finish' one of my 16 in 2016 projects, but it isn't hung yet.  But that is huge progress for me!  Travis is also starting the design on a compost bin for us.  While that doesn't sound exciting, I think it is!  hopefully by next summer we will have some good nutrients to add to our garden (that is starting this year). 


I thought that I would take a nod from Andrea Dekker (one of my FAVORITE blogs to read!) And post what I am watching on Netflix, and what is on my radar.  March was a low Netflix month since I gave it up for lent unless we were working at our desks or one episode a day. 

Currently watching

  • New Girl - right now we are re-watching the series before we watch the newest season (does anybody else do that?) And we are on season 3. The more I watch it the more alike Jess and I seem to be (oblivious, quirky, odd voices, etc.). 
  • House of Cards - Travis is more watching this but I hear/see it off and on (Travis complains when I ask story line questions and tells me to watch it to find out). I'm not planning on doing that, but it is interesting to see how politics is dramatized.

Plan to watch

  • Call the Midwife
  • Fixer Uppers (Season 2 is on Netflix!!)
  • Fuller House
  • The Royals (Who doesn't like to learn about the Royal Family?)

1 comment:

diana said...

Your children are adorable. I tell you that often. Whenever I tell Luke we are going to church he always asks if Abby will be there. I'm totally stealing the "what I'm watching on Netflix" thing... And excited you got a project done! Which one?