Monday, December 12, 2011

The beginning of the end

Today starts the beginning of my Christmas break from school, but it is the end of an era a because this is my last Christmas break.  The way that things are going, I am planning on graduating in May.

But sometimes looking to the future is not the point, sometimes you have to take the time to enjoy the moments that you have been given at these present moments.  Now I am not saying that someone shouldn't look forward to the future, because then what else is hope?

I think though that we need to take the time to figure out what we what to do with the life right now that we have been given.  Sometimes we shouldn't just have dreams for the future.  Such as get a good job, or buy a house.  But we should find the things that make us get out of bed every day, we should find those hobbies, and activities that make us happy today, and not just the ones that will prepare us for our own future.

Now I am not saying that is a bad thing to do.  Let me put it into finance terminology. Diversification is when you need to take  an array of stocks to lower the unsystematic risk.  (Sorry just had a final about it today). So I think that you need a combination of having plans for both today and the future.

Hope for the future and live for the day - that is my theme for today :-)


Travis said...

I need a hobby...

Erin.J.S said...

I can help you find one :-)