Monday, June 4, 2012

Loving Life

Psalms 27:14  says: " Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!"

This time in my life has been trying, it isn't like I have to jump through hoops and go through really rough times. But, it has been a time where I really need to tell myself that I need to be strong and wait for the Lord to work in my life.  I don't know how many times that I have had to have someone tell me that.  But it has been often.  Sometimes it is easy to lose sight in the end when you are near sighted and only see a few inches in front of your face.  That is when you need to trust in God and let others help you.  

It has been through that, which I think, has made me stronger.  I think that now I pray and tell myself more often that I need to trust in God.  But I think that through that I see God working in my life more and more.  Life is going great and I never could have done it myself!

I have a second job interview this week with a great company.  I am getting my ducks in a row when it comes to moving on from College (which is hard, but I think that it is something that needs to be done).  I finally have time to catch up with friends and hang out.  Travis has been great, he's become my best friend and I don't know how I would go through all of this without him :-)  My family is amazing as we prepare for another sisters' wedding.

If I was told to dream up my future four years ago, I don't think that I would have dreamed up something even this great.  Life is a blessing, and I am just glad to be given each day!


diana said...

Wait, second interview? I never heard about a first! And what all is going on with the wedding?? I'm missing out on all the info being out of the country!!

Unknown said...

Yeah sorry it is hard to keep people in the loop sometimes. Yeah Redeemer Radio has a Marketing Coordinator that is being made and I am already having my second interview tomorrow! So please say a prayer or two.

I don't know what all is going on with the wedding because I haven't been home much in the past week.

But while you might be missing out because you are out of the country, you will catch up quickly AND you would have gone to Europe! I would have traded you if I could have