Monday, June 11, 2012

Hate getting my hair Cut

So I never really liked making time to go and get my hair cut.  It is one of the lazy things about me.  I just hate making an appointment, and then having to go, and then pay, and I guess tip as well.  Too complicated for me. But since graduation, I have been wanting to get a 'grown up' hair cut. aka one that actually requires doing more then straightening my hair every day, because I feel as if I look like I'm a high schooler still.  So I would like your opinion.  Do you like any of the following pictures?  Please don't let the person influence the opinion of the hair.  it was just what I could find.

I like the look of this one, and I guess what she has pulled back could be some shorter hair like bangs, so that could add more style options.  Granted I'm not blond and I don't have that much color texture in my hair

I don't think that my hair is this long, but I think that is is simple, but I don't know if it screams that  I am trying to be a business professional...

this girls face is kinda creepy.... but the hair is simple.  so it could work.  but it is just the straight that I normally do anyway, just added bangs...

So these are the three pictures that I found when I was just randomly looking.  I just want to look more professional I guess and the way my hair is right now, it doesn't really say that.  So I would love everyone's opinion! Thanks!

1 comment:

diana said...

I like the first best but the third might be easier to do on your own.