Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sometimes it isn't about where you are

Sometimes it doesn't matter where you are in life, it is more about where you are going to be going.  If you have no future plans, any road will take you there.

It is better to have an idea of where you are going to be wanting to go, then have no plan of where you want to go.  Having goals, and dreams you have something to reach for.  It isn't always about exactly reaching the dream exactly, but it is more about hitting it close.

Have a goal, have a dream.  Think big.  Don't stifle yourself because you don't think that you can, because you can if you put your time, mind and effort into those dreams

I think that one thing that is good to remember, is that you have to be flexible, because dreams can change, and your life can take you down different roads.  You can't just settle for what your dreams were 5 years ago.  You have to keep on dreaming and keep evolving into the person that you are meant to become.

Remember to dream, remember to plan,  but also be prepared to change those dreams into the new dreams that you might change to.

1 comment:

Travis said...

My dream changed the moment I first kissed you:-)

I am looking forward to setting goals and dreams together!

I love you:-)