Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where has time gone?

Today I was working on my senior year class schedule and it made me think of how much things have changed in the past three years.  Three years ago I was just in the last quarter in my senior year in High School.  I was in my first relationship, I was starting up my last season of track, I was looking at colleges, I was planning on moving away to Indy and going to Marion.  I was going to be either an English major or speech and hearing.  I didn't have a job, I was innocent to the real world.  But I realize that things change, people change, and we have to leave our old self behind.

We can't keep our old self .

Three years ago I wouldn't have thought of my life, when I was dreaming about the future.  I didn't see myself being a business major in marketing, working as a cashier, and still living at home.  I didn't think of being as involved on campus as I am now, I didn't think know that I would actually like my school.  I didn't see myself the way I am now.  But that is the whole thing about it.

We don't know how our future is going to be.

We can dream about it, we can think about it, but we don't actually live it until it is the present.  We never live in the future.  What really matters is the choices that we make today, the actions that we choose to act upon.

So this is turning into a ramble, but my whole point is that we don't really know what our future is going to be.  We just have to trust, pray, hope, and dream that we are making the right decisions today that will impact our future tomorrow.

We never live in the future, we can only learn from our past.

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