Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My 24th Year Retrospective

Here we are, September 18th and I am turning another year older.  My 24th year on earth was one with highs and low but I think that it is one that I will remember for a long time.  So here is 10 of the things that were a part of my life this past year:

1. ARISE Together in Christ Group

In the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese our Bishop started this small faith sharing community group initiative that brings people together in your church and talk about the Faith through scripture, life and challenges.  Travis was the leader for the young adults at St. Aloysius and I joined him.  By the end of the first season we had made this wonderful group of young adults (mostly our friends from IPFW, but not all).

I am so grateful for this small group because after college and leaving the Newman group at IPFW, I missed having that Catholic fellowship.  Sometimes we don't always stay on topic, but it is a wonderful time to grow in friendship and be there for others when needed. Learn more about Arise from an article in Today's Catholic that features yours truly!

2. Engagement / Wedding Planning

Looking on this past year, this was a huge part of it.  While we got engaged in August, the real planning took place this past year.  What a roller coaster of things to do.  Some were great like meeting with Fr. Tom for Marriage prep at St. Jude. But, some of the other things were just crazy (I am not a hugely social person that plans huge parties focused on me and Travis)

While I am glad that the season of engagement is over in my life, I truly took back on that time fondly.  It was a wonderful time where you are preparing yourself for a wonderful and beautiful vocation.

3. Saying goodbye to the Overby's

I think that growing up we had the world's best neighbors!  It is hard for anyone to get close to Marge and Dave.  Marge and I were birthday buddies and growing up we (my sisters and I) would receive a hand drawn birthday card with a Disney character on it.  Marge would 'happen' to make an extra cake and bring it over, or she wanted to try a recipe and Dave couldn't eat it because of his diabetes so she would bring it over.  They were wonderful neighbors that were called away from this earth.

Marge passed away on Christmas Eve and Dave passed away 10 days latter.  That was a bit hard because they were like grandparents to me, but I hold on to the good memories.  I could reflect on these wonderful neighbors for hours, but on a day like today I just say, rest in peace Birthday Buddy!

4. Florida Trip

Mom, Dad, Angela and I took a trip to visit our Aunt and Uncle in Florida on January 1st.  It was crazy to be driving to Dayton in snow and arriving in Tampa in 80 degree weather.  Dad kept on saying: " It is January 1st and I am in shorts!" "It is January Second and I and sitting on the beach!"

Me, Dad, Mom, and Ang
While we were there I believe that it got to about zero Fahrenheit... So it was nice to be warm!  It was a perfect last family trip with us four!  This was a wonderful time to celebrate family!

5.  Two New Nephews

Luke was just making the same face as me!
I was lucky to have Two nephews born this past year! Luke James was born March 29th and Thatcher Dennis was born September 9th.  How can you not be excited about babies in the family!?!

6. Being Brooklynn's Sponsor

Travis' niece (now my niece as well!) asked me to be her sponsor for confirmation.  I was really excited that she asked me and I love being a part of sacraments.  While we were already engaged, I felt even more part of the family after being asked.

Brooklynn, Bishop Rhoades and Me
She really tested me and my memory skills though because she picked a saint that I has never heard of before: St. Marcella patron saint of Nobel women.  But it was wonderful to be a part of this with her!

7. The year of two Popes

It was a crazy beginning of the year with Pope Benedict retiring and Pope Francis becoming Pope.  But is has been exciting to see all of the spirit that seems to have been brought into the church. A renewed sense of Love.

I saw a post ones that Pope John Paul II was all about Hope and what we went through with World War II and the cold war, he showed the church and world love.  Benedict was the scholar that educated us about the faith.  Now, Pope Francis is showing the love the the faith can offer.  It is a trifecta of Popes in my lifetime!

8. Renting House

Travis and I become renters.  He moved into the house in April and I am still working at unpacking boxes...  I will eventually be all moved it... eventually... But it has been a wonderful experience.  We live right across the street from St. Jude so we never have to worry about parking for Mass, we just have to walk!

While we aren't going to be there forever, it is a great first place to make a home!

9.  Changing my last name

Marrying my best friend has been a highlight of this past year.  Changing last name a bit harder and a tedious process.  You don't realize how many places have your information until you see how many places you need to change your address and name (still an ongoing process).  But I love the Day I become a Mrs.  it is crazy to think that it has been 2 months already!

But Becoming Mrs. has been wonderful and sometimes I still look around and ask if it is real, because it just seems so natural now.  I love coming home to Travis (well, I usually beat him home...)  but it has all been a blessing!

10.  Starting a new Life 

While this past year has been filled with its ups and downs it is always wonderful to look back ans see how blessed I truly am.  I have a wonderful husband, family, and friends! I couldn't ask for more!  Thank you all for what you have done to my life and I am forever grateful!  Please continue to keep Travis and I in your prayers as we begin this new journey of life together.

Now onto being 24!!


Diana said...

Wonderful post!! I forgot you and Marge were birthday buddies. =(

And I love that Luke made your list. =)

Unknown said...

It was weird to think about it because it was just always that way, and this year it was just... different.

and of course Luke made the list! :-)