Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Next Great Adventure

Now you might be thinking how have I gone this far in life and never moved.  Well if you stay at home for college and get married a year after college, I never really saw the point to move out. I thought of it more as an expense that I couldn't afford.

Now I am good at moving rooms.  Having 4 older sisters and roughly 4 bedrooms (three actual bedrooms and the large old 'play room/classroom' converted into a bedroom)  I think that every time a sister went away to college we all rearranged rooms and moved.  I think that some time or another I have occupied 3 of the four rooms, some rooms at different times in my life.

But this move is different... Much different...

This time I am not moving down the hallway.  I am not staying in the same home.  I am moving five miles into town.  Yes I know that it could be much further, but right now it seems really far away.  But it is just the next adventure that is on my life path.

It is like going up the Millennium Force's first hill.  you keep going and  going up and your stomach and brain start deceiving you and con't decide if this is going to be wonderful or terrifyingly hard.  It is like I am at the crest of that hill that I have been climbing for awhile now.  and it is time to enjoy the ride down the exciting and thrilling coaster.

The great thing that I have to always remember is that I'll have Travis right beside me.  And remembering that is just half of the great adventure!

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