Monday, December 31, 2012

Rest in Peace Birthday Buddy

Marge and her husband Dave were my next door neighbors my whole life up till earlier this year.  And they were the best neighbors that any young girl growing up could possibly have. I still look across the way sometimes and forget that they aren't there anymore.  It is one of those things that I never thought would actually happen.  But alas we all grow up and things just don't stay they same.

I have so many memories growing up with Marge and Dave in them.  They would always take care of the mail when my family was on vacation and we always knew the weather each day on the little post-it that Marge left on top of the mail.  Marge and Dave had a dog Barney when I was younger and my sisters and I would love to feed him.  I remember Marge was the type of person that would always tend to have "too many desserts" and bring them over to us because Dave couldn't eat them due to his Diabetes.

I could go on and on about the memories that I have about Marge, but there is only one more that I think that I should share.  The thing that Marge and I had in common was that we were birthday buddies.  Now that really didn't entail much, but it was that fun connection that made my birthday  bit more special.  We would take over flowers of a card to her and share a few moments of our birthday together.

Marge was Like an adopted grandparent to me and my sisters.  With me only even knowing my mothers parents, and my Grandpa and Grandma Sherburne being called away from this world before I was here, she was the best adopted Grandmother that I could ever know.  We never said the word grandparent with them, but When talking briefly to Dave at the Funeral Home he said we always felt like relation. It was just one of those unspoken things with all of us.

The world lost the greatest neighbor anyone could ask for on Christmas Eve.  And I will always compare any of my future neighbors to the Overby's.  One of God's many gifts to my family.  Rest in Peace, my birthday buddy, Marge.

Marge's Obituary

1 comment:

diana said...

Very nice tribute. =)