Sunday, November 13, 2011

Being thankful for blessings

how often do we just rush through the day and not think about all that we have been given in life? I know that I should take more time in the day and think about those things.  Life isn't frolicking through daisy fields all of the time.  Life isn't perfect, but every day there are moments in our lives that are blessings.

We are each given gifts and talents that are unique to us and us alone.  That is what makes each of us different.  What we need to do is embrace those blessings that we have each been given and do something with it.  We can't just dig a hole and place those talents and gifts that we have been given.  We need to share those with others and let out talents and blessings grow.

I don't know a time in my life where I have used my talents and given to others, and God hasn't given me blessings right back to me.  We don't need to make banners and wave flags and show off what we have, but we just need to learn how to be humble with those gifts that we have been given.  Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus on this Earth.

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