Monday, October 17, 2011

Sometime you just have to be willing to listen, and hold out a hand

Goodness, where can I even start with where my thoughts are? I am just coming off one of the most inspirational weekends that I have ever had.  The Newman groups of IPFW, Trine, Manchester, Ivy Tech, and St. Francis got together for a retreat titled Navigating the Stream.  It was a coming together of so many ideas and people coming together.  But no matter who was talking, or who was behind the scenes the one person who was inspiring us and working through all of us was the Holy Spirit.

I honestly have been praying for this whole retreat for the longest time. Through times I had my own doubts that I wasn't sure how it was all going to go, but I couldn't give up.  I had an inspiration to keep going.  I could have stopped when we first thought of the retreat, I could have pulled back when I didn't know what I was really doing, but I didn't.  I feel so blessed because of how the Holy Spirit has given me the confidence to keep going, even when I don't know where I am really going.

But isn't that how life really is? We are like a person with horrible eyesight (I am picturing me without my glassed or contacts, my eyesight is horrible). I can see clearly for about a foot in front of me, after that everything just starts to fade. That is how life really is.  We know where are life is currently, but the further out we look the hazier it gets.  Only God knows, and only God can see clearly what is in our future.  We have to pray for His guidance, His grace, His understanding so we will be able to head in the right direction.  Because without His hand through our life, we are just a blind person barely able to see in past our own nose.

I wish that I could write more, but I as sadly procrastinating from the homework that I am supposed to do... So until next time!

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