Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wow it has been too long!

Well I have taken the leap (from the last post) and I must say that I think that it was the best decision that I have made in a rather long time! Sometimes you just have to learn how to rely on God's timing and listen to how he might be guiding you.  That is why I am so thankful for my faith, because if I am not totally sure about a decision that I want to make, I give it up to God, and the situation works itself out in the end.

I think that one of the things that we, as humans, forget that we aren't just making decisions for the here and now. We are deciding our future with each choice we make today.  While we make choices that don't matter as greatly (such as what to wear, and what to eat), but some decisions make the greatest impact on our lives (such as who to date, who to befriend, who to make happy, and how hard to work).  We are living not only for ourselves, but for our future selves, our future children, our family, our friends, and most importantly, we are living for God.  We are in this world to glorify God.

I am going to finish this post by telling a story that I heard once at a retreat.  There was a little boy and his father getting a tour of a church.  In this church there are great stain glass windows that have saints depicted in them. The little boy turns to his father and asks, while looking at the stain glass windows: "Daddy, what are those?" The father replies to his son: "Those are the saints."  Latter that same little boy was in Sunday School and the teacher asked the class if they knew what saints were.  The little boy was the only one to raise his hand.  The teacher called on him and he replied: "The saints or what lets the light shine through."

While this little boy didn't know that he wasn't talking about the correct saints, his reply was correct. Saints are those who let the light of Christ shine through them.  That is what we should be aiming for in our own lives. Let our faith shine through our actions so that others will see his glory.

1 comment:

Travis said...

Giving up our major life decisions is a wonderful thing. I am glad that we both did this:)